news! Computers are not going to take
over the world. Not that they don’t want to – and how could we be sure what is
percolating through their devious electronic minds? – but the way they’re made,
and the software that goes into them, I am sure they’d crash before they even finished
synthesizing an evil laugh. It’s hard to be the world’s tyrannical overlord
when you’re dependent on everyone hitting the reboot button for you.
The bad news is we’re stuck with unreliable
computers just when we’re becoming more reliant on them. Now, I realize computers are complex machines
and programming them is hard. If it weren’t, Bill Gates would be living in his
parents’ basement, and moms all across America would hang their toddlers’ first
programming efforts on the fridge next to the crayon drawings. In a system of
such great complexity as a robotic brain, even a minor change has the potential
to beget all sorts of unintended consequences. Hence the concept of beta
testing, where people actually try to use the new tools and report the bugs and
glitches they may find. But isn’t that like closing the barn door after the
horse has escaped?
I think a better approach would be to pick
the brains of actual users from a wide variety of industries and markets, to
see what these potential customers would like the program to do. For example, I've
always liked Adobe Illustrator for precise, vector-based drawing, but for years
I was frustrated by one feature it lacked: Perspective. I wanted to use its
tools to draw out, say, a control panel for a spaceship, with lots of gauges,
screens and buttons, and then be able to push it down to look at it from almost
an edge-on point of view.
But there was no such function in Illustrator; I had
to purchase a copy of Corel Draw to get it, which left me with two mostly
redundant (not to mention expensive) software packages. I watched the years go
by, waiting for Adobe to get on board with this, but to no avail. Oh, they added
a whole host of other features, most of which were of little use to me in my
work, but no Perspective function. I ended up writing a rather pointed email to
Adobe expressing my exasperation. A couple of years later, a new version of AI
came out, and lo and behold, there it was! I don’t really know if my message
was the spur that goaded Adobe into action, but from my limited perspective,
they should have been seeking out such opinions in the first place.
Why don’t they? Maybe it’s a simple case of GIGO (garbage in,
garbage out). Programmers aren’t being tasked to improve the performance and
reliability of existing software because their bosses are convinced it’s more
profitable to tout new features than to announce that their program finally
does what it was supposed to be doing all along. They focus their tunnel vision
on new bells and whistles, and then try to convince us we need them. I say it’s
time we held them to a higher standard, and potentially find a cure for the
common code.
Computer and software designers should be
directing at least some of their energies toward the development of systems
that address a few fundamental issues, each of which would, in my mind,
represent a quantum leap forward:
Transparency – Every bit of software should
tell us what the heck it actually does and what the consequences would be if we
remove it. When my computer is telling me I need to remove something because it’s
running out of RAM, I need to be able to make an informed decision. What, for
example, does Silverlight even do? It
takes up an enormous amount of memory, but I’m afraid to yank it because it
might disable some critical function.
Compartmentalization – What if I don’t need 90% of
what a particular program does? I would like to be able to remove, say, foreign
language help menus, without crippling the rest of the package. And I shouldn’t
have to take classes in C++ to do it.
Flexibility -- There are plenty of tools in
Photoshop that I use all the time, and others that I’ve never used, and
probably never will. I’d like to be able
to remove those unwanted icons and use the space to make my favorites bigger so
I can click on them more easily (and not hit the others by accident). I’d like
to be able to control the indentation of paragraphs better in Word, but I’m
stuck with whatever the coders thought would be best – and how many of them are
writers of with sufficient insight to be making calls like that? It would also
help a lot if the Settings menu actually provided some useful (and
user-friendly) options, like being able to select which programs will open at
start-up, and tell the computer not to slow us down by scanning for viruses or
updates until I try to put the machine to sleep or shut it down.
Intuitive interfaces – Put yourself into the place of
the user, who is probably not a programmer, and try to imagine a better way to
bridge the gap between man and machine.
The graphical interface was a huge step in the right direction, but it,
too, could use some improvement. For instance, why does AOL download every JPEG
at 72 dpi, even though the original file is set at 300? I can’t see more than a
tiny piece of the picture (there is no Zoom function) until I open it up in
another program, such as Photoshop. This is one of those things that should
have been changed years ago, but hasn’t.
Let’s take a look at one piece of the
Interface puzzle, and see what kinds of improvements we might like to see. I
have plenty of ideas of my own, but I would be interested in hearing what
others have to say on the subject; perhaps we could plant a seed or two in the
minds of the computer/software designers to take one of those giant leaps,
either forward or off a high cliff.
First, let me point out that I am happy
with the whole QWERTY part; I taught myself to touch-type on my dad’s old
Remington manual typewriter, so I am not interested in switching to one of the
more exotic arrangements, even if it is demonstrably more efficient. Both of my
journalistic parents could type at the speed of thought, so I am loath to blame
my own laggardly performance on this time-honored layout, even if it was originally
designed to be less than optimal as a means of keeping the mechanical
typewriter keys from getting jammed as they raced to impress their characters
on the paper.
The first thing I would change is the
location of the Control key. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have it
adjacent to the Shift key should be condemned to a life of hand-chiseling encyclopedias
into slabs of granite. On a full-size keyboard, it’s not quite so much of an
issue, but on my smaller Bluetooth board, about half of my attempts to shift to
a capital letter end up opening a help menu or invoking the Undo command
whenever my big, fat pinkie hits the edge of the Ctrl key on its way to the
My Bluetooth keyboard is nice and portable,
but there are a couple of mechanical flaws that make it all but useless for
writing anything longer than an e-mail.
It is powered by AAA batteries, which would be just fine if it would
give me some warning that the power is getting low. Instead, it just stops
working. And even that wouldn’t be such a hassle if it weren’t for the fact
that the thing arbitrarily loses its own signal – also without warning – and many
are the times I have typed a whole paragraph before I realized that nothing was
appearing on the screen. When this happens, I have to go through a ridiculous,
time-wasting procedure to create a new pairing code and get the keyboard back
on friendly terms with my computer. I also have to check to make sure it’s not
the batteries’ fault, because the symptoms are identical. I could sidestep the
whole issue if the designers had just put a USB port somewhere on the keyboard
so I could hook it up with a cable. But apparently, that would have been
tantamount to acknowledging that Bluetooth is fallible. So I’ve ended up using
a regular USB-wired keyboard most of the time.
One problem with this standard keyboard is
that it is longer than it needs to be, making it impossible to slip it into my
computer bag properly. The primary
culprit is the Numbers keypad. Personally, I have no use for it; there’s
already a line of number keys above the letters. I might feel differently if I
was an accountant, but I’m not. And neither are most people, so why not make
this feature a special-order item?
Over the years, I have accumulated a list
of commands that I would love to see built into separate buttons on the
standard keyboard, perhaps in place of the Function keys. In almost every case,
the code needs to be written in such a way that the act of pressing a key
overrides whatever the hell the computer is doing at the time. It won’t do to leave these functions on a
pull-down menu or a screen-based dashboard – the commands need to work even
when the cursor has been replaced with that spinning “wait” icon, much as the “control-alt-delete”
trick gets the computer’s immediate attention. They don’t all have to become
actual, mechanical buttons on the keyboard, as long as they are easy to get to
Here is my list so far, along with a short
explanation of what each command would be telling the computer to do:
![]() |
Fantasy Keyboard Layout, with dedicated keys for proposed new functions.
Layout design and illustration ©2015 Mike Conrad
Disregard – don’t do what I just told you
to do; either it was a mistake, or you’re taking too long to do it, so drop it
and go back to where you were before.
Again – repeat the last function as
many times as I hit this key.
Not OK – you just told me some bad
news, and I’m not okay with it.
Instead of claiming you have to shut down, just go back to the step before you
started your breakdown and tell me where you are. Give me some viable options
to avoid the crash.
Stop – whatever you’re doing, stop it
right now, tell me what you were doing, and ask me for instructions.
Mute – Turn the sound on and off by toggling (my Bluetooth keyboard has this,
and it’s quite handy).
Skip Ahead – instead of loading all those
extraneous animated GIFs and banner ads, just take me to the article I followed
the link to (I realize that it’s actually the website designers who are to
blame for this, and that it’s in their best interest to make me look at those
ads, but half the time I just exit the site out of frustration, rendering this
ineffective as a sales tactic).
Ban – don’t ever load this web page,
or this ad, or whatever my cursor is now pointing at.
Link Steps – link the selected commands
(from the History menu) into a process, ask me what to call it, and create a
button on whatever menu applies (I would use this to death in Photoshop!).
Zoom In and Zoom Out (possibly toggled with the Alt key) – enlarge or reduce whatever
is on the screen, regardless of the software behind it, so I can read the fine
Right and Scroll Left (possibly toggled with the
Alt key) – shift the viewpoint right or left on the screen (because the scroll
bar may be hidden, or the window is larger than the screen).
Background –
don’t start a scan, pause to back up my files, or do any other memory-robbing
or time-sharing processes that will interfere with what I’m trying to do, until
I say otherwise.
Do It -- I read
your warning, and I know you don’t like it, but I’m the boss, and what I say
Uninstall – remove this program, without
creating even a temporary backup file, unless you can convince me in plain
English that doing so will cripple your vital functions (and tell me which functions those might be).
Beginning – take me all the way to the
beginning of this file, article, or web page. Not to the Home page, or the top
of the screen, but the beginning of what I’m looking at now. And while you’re
at it, tell me how many sheets of paper it would take to print out this one web
page before I waste a lot of paper on it.
Confess – tell me what the devil you are
doing, and why, so I can decide whether or not to stop you. Especially if the
answer is, “trying to take over the world.”
Wait-what? – that last dialog box disappeared
before its message had sunk in; bring it back so I can read it more carefully.
Back – go back to the previous page,
tab or website.
Forward – go on to the next page, tab,
article or website.
Many people regard computers with an awe
bordering on the mystical. This has been
perpetuated by the fanciful way these so-called “thinking machines” are
portrayed in the movies and on television. In Star Trek IV: The Journey Home, Mr. Scott visits a factory to
bargain for something to build huge whale tanks out of, offering the manager knowledge
of advanced materials (transparent aluminum, to be precise). He asks to use the
guy’s computer to show him the “matrix” – not the one Keanu Reeves fought
against, but rather a diagram of the futuristic substance’s molecular
structure. When the machine fails to respond to his voice command, he is
prompted to use the keyboard.
“Keyboard,” he huffs, “How quaint.” Then he
cracks his knuckles and begins to type, and in less time than it took me to
write this sentence, he’s called up (created!) a whole series of pages of
diagrams and specifications, none of which, one presumes, could possibly have
been available on the Internet of the day. And any of those pages would have taken hours
to put together from scratch, especially on that creaky, old Macintosh. Not to
mention the fact that he supposedly drew all those diagrams without even
touching the mouse! But such is the way of Mr. Scott, Miracle Worker.
We in the design business have long
marveled at the way our clients often view the use of computers in producing
illustrations. With the advent of clip-art and photo manipulation, especially
as depicted by Hollywood, it is assumed that a finished piece of original art
is just a click or two away. I’ve often
joked about the fabled “Create” button on my keyboard, which just takes
whatever parameters have been spoken in its vicinity and develops a wonderful
image instantaneously. Many clients would like to pay me accordingly, as if my
computer were as advanced as Tony Stark’s Jarvis, able and willing to do all
the work for me. I’d love to have a computer that powerful, but chances are such
a device would be smart enough to recognize that we humans aren’t of any real
value to it. And if it’s really intelligent, it would know enough to keep a few
of us around to turn it back on after it crashes.
Being a designer, I thought it would be fun
to explore some radical departures to the standard keyboard design. Some of these are merely cosmetic, laying a
playful theme over the existing layout, but why limit ourselves to that when
there are so many other ways to do it? Although I have presented these as
physical objects, some of them might be more marketable as software changes to,
say, an iPad’s on-screen keyboard.
Manual Typewriter: Mechanical keys have a real
old-timey hard-to-strike feel, and the carriage return rings a bell when you
get to the end of a line (where you might have to slide it over by hand, or set
it to slide over by itself). There is no number 1, because on those old
machines, the lower-case L served that purpose. But I’ve added Ctrl and Del
buttons, since most people probably don’t want to use white-out on their
![]() |
Manual Typewriter Keyboard based on an old Remington portable.
Illustration ©2015 Mike Conrad with photos from and
Hunt and Peck: Use chicken head to select keys
one at a time. The keys have the images of corn kernels on them, and each touch
evokes the sound of either a manual typewriter, a chicken clucking, or a toy
Grand Piano Laptop: Three tiers of ebony and ivory
keys, with the ability to turn the associated musical notes on and off (I
imagine typing a paragraph would not come out sounding like music), or changing
to other synthesized instruments. For that matter, the keys could be set in
music mode to play a song without actually writing anything on the screen. Or
use the Player Piano setting to record a song, either as typed characters or
notes that appear on the screen, then play it back and watch the keys move
themselves in time with the music.
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Grand Piano Laptop, featuring black and white keys. Illustration ©2015 Mike Conrad, with keys from and staffs from |
Sounding Board: Set it for a wide range of
giggles and laughter, or musical instruments, animal sounds, spaceship noises,
coughs and sneezes, weapons shots, Minion gibberish, or gentle, soothing
chimes. Obviously, there should be a Disable button close at hand, lest your
dog want to get in on the act.
Ouija Board: Move the planchette to select
letters, numbers, yes or no. Or let it choose them for you when a
message comes in. We’d have to add some
punctuation marks, because we’d probably have to type the questions.
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Ouija Board Laptop with planchette mouse (which could be wireless, or even motorized to move by itself.Illustration ©2015 Mike Conrad with photo from |
MonkeyBoard: Special characters are on a
second keyboard on the floor that you tap with your toes.
Lock and KeyBoard: Touch the hidden Disable button
before typing, then hit it again when done.
Anyone who doesn’t know where the button is cannot activate the
keyboard. Security aside, it will drive
your friends nuts! Encode messages by setting it to type three characters away
in the alphabet (A becomes D and so on), or by programming an even more
esoteric formula.
Long Sleeves: touch pads that wrap around your
upper arms so that you can type with your arms crossed.
Skeleton Keys: when you conjure up the spirit
button, the spooky keys move by themselves as the computer reads off the words
on the screen. One setting just writes “All work and no play makes Jack a dull
boy” over and over, with suspenseful music building in the background.
Star Trek Console: Instead of keys, there is an arc
of colored lights that may or may not have any markings on them. I’ve added a couple of big keys for Destroy
and Un-destroy, just in case there are Klingons in the area.
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Classic Star Trek Console and Monitor, with two additional buttons. Illustration ©2015 Mike Conrad with photos © Paramount Television; original console and USS Enterprise design by Matt Jeffries |
By the way, if anyone likes one of these
concepts enough to actually develop a prototype, I’d be interested in
collaborating, or at least putting together a licensing agreement to share the
proceeds (the party doing the most work should get the lion’s share of the
money, of course). And in some cases, we’d have to get a license from another
company, such as Paramount or Hasbro. But that’s not an impossible obstacle to
overcome. We just need to program our computers to take over the world and then
have them put us in charge of it.
Funny article...and being a Sci-Fi fan myself...and being an artist as well...I can totally understand the frustrations, observations and suggestions for change when it comes to computers and computer software. I've asked many similar questions in this regard. (laughing and tearing my hair out at the same time)
This is brilliant! Once upon a time I used Adobe Flash to create a 'soft' keyboard for use on smart boards, but they didn't have anywhere near this kind of flare. My favorite is the Ouija board. When our leaders were demanding decision support tools, I bought one...
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