Monday, March 30, 2020

Time to Get Creative

It’s not the end of the world.  But the COVID-19 pandemic is causing us to re-think how we do things. Businesses have to adapt, too. Restaurants have begun offering curb-side take-out service. Theaters have mounted screens on their exterior walls to bring back drive-in movies. Savvy companies are making sure they are ready for their big comeback once the quarantine is over.

These trying times are a time for trying something new.  Now may be the time to work up ideas for that “future development” area on your property, or to re-theme your restaurant or bar. You might want to plan a big event to draw customers back to your attraction when the restrictions are lifted.

Think outside your office.  While telecommuting may be difficult to implement with your regular employees, working from home is no big deal to an independent contractor. Freelancers are accustomed to conducting business through telephone calls, email, document transfer services and video conferencing. And we keep track of our own work schedules, whether it’s on an hourly basis or by meeting milestones tied to the completion of deliverables.

Flexibility is our stock in trade.  Freelancers are not a one-size-fits-all commodity. Some are highly specialized, while others are more versatile.  One artist may have a whimsical style, where another’s is more technical. Radical Concepts, Inc., for example, is a creative services company that prides itself on versatility. But if your project isn’t in our wheelhouse, we can point you toward someone else who would be a better fit. And it won’t offend us when the crisis is over and you decide to call your regular team back in. We want things to return to normal just as much as you do.

In the meantime, we’ve got your back.

Freelancers to the rescue!

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